Retail & Staffing Agency Background Checks

Uncertainties in the economy have caused some companies to hold off on hiring permanent staff. Many organizations are looking for temporary or contingent workers to meet their staffing needs.

As the demand for contingency workers grows, firms should consider performing comprehensive background checks on their applicants. This is something that large agencies already do. There are several benefits to performing background screening.

Why Staffing Agencies & Retail Need to Do Background Checks

Staffing agencies can help job seekers find temporary employment. However, they may attract less-than-ideal candidates. The best way for staffing agencies to verify the truthfulness of a candidate’s information is to use a background check.

Staffing agencies get a deluge of resumes. If they do not adequately screen applicants before sending them to work for their clients, the staffing agency risks damaging its reputation. Staffing agencies must ensure that they are only recommending qualified placements.

A background screening will verify a candidate’s identity and confirm their work history, experience, and education. It will also reveal any criminal record, making it easier for staffing agencies to make the best placements for their clients.


Why Should I Run Background Checks for Temporary Employees?

If your organization uses staffing agencies to fill positions, even temporary assignments, you should run a background check on these temporary employees. You might think that you are too busy to run a background check. That’s why your organization is using a staffing agency to fill temporary positions. You could also think that you lack sufficient financial resources to run a background check. Isn’t that what a staffing agency is supposed to do for you?

While it’s true that staffing agencies, in theory, are running background checks, it is still crucial for you to run a background check (or to ensure that the staffing agency ran a background check) on all potential placements. 

Running a background check on a temporary employee can give you information that the candidate did not disclose or they may have misrepresented during the application or interview process. Studies show that people are often dishonest about their experiences, qualifications, and education when they fill out a job application, so you can never be too cautious in the vetting process.


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What Do Most Retail Background Checks Search?

The retail industry has the highest turnover rate of any sector. Employers who want to minimize the turnover rate and improve the quality of their hires should conduct more thorough background checks with a reliable employee screening partner.

Background checks in the retail field are essential because retail theft has grown exponentially in recent decades. On average, employers lose $1,139 for each dishonest employee. For this reason, many retail stores see background checks as an important factor in minimizing retail theft. Proper vetting and interviewing can make all the difference in the quality of hired employees.

A quality retail background check should include the following:

  1. Identity Verification – Identity verification allows a company to ensure that the applicant is truthful about who they are. Identity verification also serves as the basis for verifying the validity of other background checks.
  2. County Criminal Records Check – Felony and misdemeanor cases, such as minor theft, are filed in county courts. A county criminal record check will reveal whether an applicant has committed these crimes.
  3. National Criminal Records Check – This is a comprehensive check reviewing an applicant’s criminal background; the process will search millions of records throughout the United States and U.S. territories.
  4. Past Employment Verification – Even if an employee’s criminal record is clean, employers want to verify that the employee has the skills to do the job. This check confirms that an applicant’s resume or application is accurate and complete.
  5. Drug Screening – Employees interact with customers. The way an employee acts can affect a company’s reputation and brand loyalty. Employers must ensure that an employee’s drug use does not impact their stores’ shopping experience.


What Shows up on a Retail Background Check?

A retail background check can show if a person has engaged in retail theft. This is because, according to the law, misdemeanor and felony convictions can be shared with employers via a background check regardless of the candidate's age. If a candidate has a conviction for a felony or a misdemeanor retail theft, that information will show up on a pre-employment background check.


Why Should I Use eKnowID For Your Background Check Needs?

eKnowID has been providing award-winning investigative services since 2013. We offer enterprise solutions for small and medium-sized companies and individuals who want more information about a potential hire.

eKnowID pioneers a high-tech, high-touch methodology designed to serve as a bridge between the employer's concerns and the information provided by the candidate in an application or during the interview process. eKnowID combines state-of-the-art technology with skilled investigators to give our clients an unparalleled experience.

Whether you are looking for a temporary employee or filling a retail position, the more information you have about a potential hire, the higher the likelihood of hiring a quality employee. All it takes is for one employee to engage in a criminal act, use drugs while at work, or walk out in the middle of a busy shift to damage your organization's reputation. Background checks can help to prevent all of these pain points and more. Get in touch with us today for more information.

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