10 Red Flags You Can Pick Up From a Comprehensive Background Check Online

#interviewing #background checks #new hire #hiring #Business Solutions #employment verification process
by Jessica Elliott

Have you ever experienced a gut feeling telling you that something was off about an applicant? Although our instincts help us navigate the world, it’s vital to rely on data to make sound hiring decisions,

With a comprehensive background check, you’ll get valuable insights and be alerted to potential red flags. Avoid hiring the wrong person by staying informed throughout the process. Discover 10 ways a screening sets off alarm bells.

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1. Variations in Self-Reported Employment History

While minor mistakes about dates aren’t a big deal, multiple instances of embellishment or missing positions point to possible issues. As part of your employment verification process, follow up by asking the applicant about:

  •         Missing jobs related to the applied-for position
  •         Large differences in job titles or dates

2. Low Quality or Faux References 

You want references who have a track record with your candidate. Job applicants may fudge the extent of their relationship or have no professional experience with the referring person. A reference check assesses their shared history to establish the stability and reliability of your candidate.

3. Job-Related Convictions

Many people have various criminal convictions that don’t prevent them from doing their jobs. However, it’s important to note that certain types of offenses may make a person risky for specific tasks.

Use a pre-employment background check to obtain information related to data-critical positions in child care, healthcare and finances. Take into account the years since the conviction, the severity and how it affects current job capabilities.

4. Recent Identity Changes

Modifications of date of birth or a recent issuance of social security numbers or using multiple aliases all hint at potential problems. Background screenings pick this up as part of an identity check. 

5. History of Financial Problems

Sensitive job positions in accounting, banking or the handling of critical customer data require a trustworthy person. While you don’t necessarily need someone with an excellent credit report, you should examine ongoing occurrences. For example:

  •         Continuous poor credit history may be more than a sign of a bad year.
  •         Judgments, liens or other unpaid financial liabilities leave an applicant open to corruption.

6. Conflicting Licensing and Education Information

When someone is filling out an application, they may be tempted to refer to an unfinished degree. In some cases, that isn’t a problem, specifically if they don’t say they actually have a degree or used a diploma mill. If your candidate falsified their education or licensing, an online background check will alert you to this red flag

7. Undisclosed or Many Criminal Records

Warrants, multiple arrests and criminal convictions may present a pattern of behavior. When job candidates fail to disclose this information, then it’s a red flag worth your consideration.

8. Repeat Litigations or Filings

During a comprehensive background check, you’ll find details that shed light on your applicant’s history. Take into consideration:

  •         Work compensation claims
  •         Contract, defamation or slander suits
  •         Allegations of fraud
  •         Expensive or damaging lawsuits

9. Conflict of Interests

For high-level positions, pay extra attention. Look for hidden corporate affiliations, undisclosed board memberships and major political contributions. Each of these may point to conflict for those in a top position at your company. Background check services dig into records that help you hire trustworthy employees.

10. A Preponderance of Evidence

With a thorough online background check, you’ll find patterns that run through all reports. You can put together a clear history using data from each screening to get a clear picture of your job candidate.

Avoid Hiring Pitfalls With a Comprehensive Background Check

An application rarely gives you all the details that you need to make the right hiring decision. With a comprehensive background check, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve picked the best person for the job. Don’t make your conclusion based on a feeling. Instead, get started with eKnowID today.

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