The 5 Key Things That Show up on Background Checks

#interviewing #background checks #new hire #hiring #Business Solutions
by Jessica Elliott

Do you want to know what shows up on a background check? Five key aspects of screenings include finding a job candidate's records and verifying information. However, what you uncover may vary by your location and type of verification method. 

Make informed decisions and hire top applicants by learning how your investigation turns up red flags while delivering accurate data. 

What Shows Up on A Background Check: 5 Key Aspects

Hiring managers review candidates' histories for many reasons relating to your industry, job position, and legal requirements. Ensure your job applicant is trustworthy by completing an online background check that returns crucial information.

1. Job Applicant Identity Information

Is your job applicant who they say they are? Experian reports 82,051 incidences of employment or tax-related fraud occurred in 2017; A number that continues to increase. A pre-employment background check includes a people search, including address history. You can cross-check this information with application details to catch any inaccuracies. 

2. Criminal Histories

Does your candidate have a history of criminal activity? Keeping your proprietary, customer, financial and employee data safe is crucial. When hiring for sensitive positions, it's vital to get a clear view of your applicant's history. Although criminal records are available for an indefinite length of time, many states limit what you can see to the last seven to 10 years. 

3. Details From National Databases

Is your applicant listed on national databases? Certain industries and job roles require hiring managers to use an extensive employee verification process. Before hiring, verify data from two lists: 

    • Sex offender lists. Depending on your state, you'll be able to access data regarding sex crimes committed by your job candidates going back decades.
    • Global security watch list. This list identifies money launderers, drug traffickers, and people banned from working in specific healthcare or finance industries.

4. Credit Reports

Will your job candidate abuse a customer's credit card data or feel pressure to steal from your company? The National Association of Professional Background Screeners notes, 25% of HR professionals check credit reports for certain positions. While some states, like Illinois or Colorado, limit credit checks to specific job roles, other states give you free rein. 

Performing a credit report check is one way to protect your business against fraudulent and criminal activity. Identify hiring red flags like:
    • A history of unpaid debts or late payments showing a lack of follow-through and reliability
    • Bankruptcies or liens on credit records suggesting ongoing financial problem
    • A large debt to income ration making an applicant vulnerable to bribery

5. Employment, Education, and Reference Verifications

Did your applicant tell the truth on their application? From falsifying college degrees to leaving jobs off resumes, applicants fib for all sorts of reasons. Hiring managers should verify that all claims are true and learn why an employee left previous positions. Doing so helps you avoid a massive breach of trust. 

Pre-Employment Background Check: What Shows Up

It's easy for any tech-savvy applicant to pull a fast one on an unsuspecting employer. A comprehensive screening helps protect your business from fraud. Furthermore, it gives you extra protection against civil suits from customers and employees. Learn more about what shows up on a background check by connecting with a professional screening provider, like eKnowID.



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